Defnyddiwch y gwasanaeth yma i dalu neu adnewyddu’ch ffi diogelu data flynyddol.
If you haven’t completed a registration form yet, please go to our tudalen cofrestru.
Os ydych chi'n talu drwy ddebyd uniongyrchol mae gostyngiad o £5 yn y ffi.
Os ydych chi wedi cael hysbysiad o fwriad i roi hysbysiad cosb, defnyddiwch y gwasanaeth yma i dalu'ch ffi. Unwaith y bydd eich ffi wedi’i thalu, bydd ein cofnodion yn cael eu diweddaru'n awtomatig a fydd dim cosb yn cael ei anfon atoch.
Sut allai talu?
Debyd uniongyrchol
To set up a direct debit electronically, you’ll need:
- cyfeirnod eich archeb; a
- cyfeirnod cofrestru.
We sent these as part of your application or renewal correspondence.
Direct debit payments are automatically taken each year until the direct debit is cancelled.
Cyfarwyddiadau bedyb uniongyrchol
If you are changing your bank details, require multiple signatures, do not have an order reference, or are otherwise unable to use the online service, please complete and return a paper direct debit instruction.
Make sure the direct debit instruction is signed, dated and includes your registration reference.
We accept edited or scanned copies of the direct debit instruction. Email these in a PDF format to [email protected], please put ‘Debyd uniongyrchol wedi'i gwblhau' yn y llinell pwnc.
You must include your registration reference with your BACS payment. If it's not included on your remittance advice we'll not be able to allocate the payment and you will not be registered.
The details you need to make a BACS payment are:
Your registration reference: ee A123456 neu ZA123456.
Sort code: 16-34-24
Account number: 11663041
Royal Bank of Scotland
St Ann's Street
St Ann's Square
M2 7PW
Account name:
Information Commissioner Registration Account
IBAN GB77 RBOS 1634 2411 6630 41
For the payment of multiple registrations, please send remittance advice or a covering email to [email protected].
To pay by cheque, you'll need to:
- make your cheque payable to the Information Commissioner’s Office; and
- write your registration reference on the back.
Send the cheque to:
FAO Data Protection Fees Team
Swyddfa Comisiynydd Gwybodaeth
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Sylwch: Dydyn ni ddim yn darparu anfonebau gan cofrestru yn ofynnol o dan y gyfraith.
For more information about what we do with personal data, see our polisi preifatrwydd.
Sylwch: Dydyn ni ddim yn darparu anfonebau gan cofrestru yn ofynnol o dan y gyfraith.
Am rhagor o wybodaeth am yr hyn ydyn yn ei gwneud gyda data personol, gweler ein polisi preifatrwydd.
Faint sydd angen i mi ei dalu?
Defnyddiwch ein hunanasesiad cyflym i ddarganfod faint sydd angen ichi ei dalu.