Policies and procedures
View the ICO's policies, and procedures we follow when delivering our services and responsibilities.
- Accidents and First Aid Policy
- Adoption
- Annual leave (buying, selling and banking)
- Appraisal and Selection Policy
- Business Continuity Management Policy Statement
- CCTV policy
- Communicating our Regulatory and Enforcement Activity
- Consultation policy
- Counter fraud policy
- Data protection policy
- Declaration of interests
- Development review/objective setting
- Dignity at work
- Disciplinary
- Disclosure of information about ICO employees
- Environmental policy
- Equality, diversity and inclusion Policy
- Eye tests
- Flexible working
- FOI / EIR casework guide
- Gifts and hospitality policy and procedure
- Grievance
- Health and safety
- Infectious diseases and office attendance guidance
- Information management policy
- Managing sickness absence
- Managing performance
- Maternity leave
- Menopause policy
- Modern slavery
- Noise at work policy
- Overtime
- Parental leave
- Paternity leave
- Pay
- Pensions
- Period of notice
- Political activity
- Probationary period
- Procurement and contract management - this is the current policy, and any confirmed changes will be updated on the link
- Prosecution policy statement
- Qualifications request policy
- Reasonable adjustments policy
- Regulatory action policy
- Regulatory approach ICO25
- Regulatory approach during the coronavirus public health emergency
- Regulatory Policy Methodology
- Retention and disposal policy
- Retention and disposal policy - accessible version
- Right to review scheme for victims of crime
- Risk management policy and risk appetite statement
- Section 10 guidance for staff
- Shared parental leave
- Smoking policy
- Social media policy
- Speaking engagements
- Special leave
- Staff privacy notice
- Third party collaboration policy
- Trans policy
- Transport arrangements in event of emergency
- Travel and subsistence
- Unreasonably persistent and unacceptable behaviour policy
- Website retention policy
- Whistleblowing