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Objective three: Promote openness and transparency


Sentiment and outcomes

We aim to demonstrate that our work has increased openness and transparency across the public sector. To do this, we will measure, and expect to see improvement in:

  • awareness of access to information rights, and understanding of how to exercise these rights, with particular attention to understanding how information rights can benefit certain socio-economic groups from underrepresented or vulnerable communities;
  • the number of people being able to use individual access to information rights effectively as demonstrated by a reduction in number of upheld complaints about exercising rights;
  • improved compliance in request response timeliness across the public sector; and
  • compliance with the right of access, demonstrated by a reduction in the number of complaints to us regarding the right of access. 


It is our target to respond in real time to complaints, requests for information and advice and investigations. To track our progress, we will use the following measures: 

  • reach a decision and respond to 80% of freedom of information (FOI) complaints within six months;
  • ensure that less than 1% of our FOI caseload is over 12 months old;
  • 66% of FOI tribunal hearings to be in our favour;
  • publish 100% of our FOI case outcomes; and
  • publish all recommendations made in our FOI complaints handling and audit work.