The ICO exists to empower you through information.

This consultation has closed

In September 2022, we clarified our position that adult-only services are in scope of the Children’s code if they are likely to be accessed by children. To support Information Society Service providers (ISS) to assess whether children are likely to access their service, we have developed the following guidance:

  • FAQs
  • List of factors
  • Case studies

We are seeking your feedback on the supporting guidance documents on ‘likely to be accessed’ in the context of the Children’s code and the accompanying impact assessment.

Please read this guidance alongside the Children’s code section on services covered by the code.

The consultation will remain open until 19 May 2023. The ICO welcomes feedback on the specific questions set out in this survey.

Responding to the consultation

Please complete our online survey.

Or download our word survey and email to: [email protected].

Or print off the above document and post to:

Age Assurance
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

If you have any general queries about this consultation or would like further information, please email [email protected].

Privacy Policy

For this consultation, we may publish a summary of the responses but will not publish the actual responses received from organisations or individuals.

Should we receive an FOI request for your response we will need to consider whether we make it available. However, at this point, we would always seek to consult with you for your views on the disclosure of this information before any decision is made.

For more information about what we do with personal data please see our privacy notice.