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Helping you find our subject access request (SAR) resources

A quick reference guide to help you find the content you need on each topic.

What you need to do or consider

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Where you can find it

Where do we begin with SARs?  arrow pointing right
Explainer video arrow pointing right
Detailed SAR Guidance arrow pointing right
How do we deal with a SAR? arrow pointing right
SARs Q&A arrow pointing right
SAR Tips arrow pointing right
Records Management, storage and SARs arrow pointing right

Specific Subject Access Request questions

Some common subject access request (SAR) questions are answered with links to relevant web pages.

Certain sectors have different exemptions around subject access requests that take various circumstances into account. A good introduction to this can be found in our section Are there any special cases?

See also our A guide to the data protection exemptions section which lists various exemptions that organisations may rely upon when dealing with SARs, depending on the field that the organisation works in.  

Our section in the detailed SAR guidance also highlights where specific exemptions may apply in What other exemptions are there?  

What you need to do or consider

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Where you can find it

How would you interpret 'carry out reasonable searches' in the context of a SAR? arrow pointing right
When can we extend deadlines to respond? arrow pointing right
When is a request excessive or unfounded? arrow pointing right
What do we do if the information requested in the SAR contains someone else's information? arrow pointing right
Can we disclose information about other people in the fields of health, education or social work? arrow pointing right
Are there special SAR considerations for the health sector? arrow pointing right
Are there special SAR considerations for the social work sector? arrow pointing right
Are there special SAR considerations for the education sector? arrow pointing right
What do we need to consider regarding CCTV and SARs? arrow pointing right