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Response rates

This module is about how quickly you respond to requests and complete internal reviews. The criteria relates to the 20 working days provided in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  Extensions are allowed to consider the public interest test and there are specific variations to the time for compliance as detailed in our guidance.

This module provides an opportunity to reflect on how many requests are responded to within 20 working days.

When calculating the response rate, we recommend using the most recent quarter’s data. It is important to choose an appropriate time scale to give an accurate reflection of current performance. There is little value in using one week’s data as this could be an unrepresentative week, while there may also be little value in reviewing a year’s worth of data, as it is unlikely to reflect current performance.

All questions are mandatory.



  • 95% or more of requests are responded to within 20 working days.
  • 95% or more of internal review requests are responded to within recommended timescales.
  • Complaints to the ICO about late responses and failure to respond are rare and rarely upheld.


  • 90 to 95% of requests are responded to within 20 working days.
  • 90 to 95% of internal review requests are responded to within recommended timescales.
  • Complaints to the ICO about late responses and failure to respond are occasional and sometimes upheld.


  • Fewer than 90% of requests are responded to within 20 working days.
  • Fewer than 90% of internal review requests are responded to within recommended timescales.
  • Complaints to the ICO about late responses and failure to respond are frequent and often upheld.
1. The percentage of information requests responded to within statutory timescales is...
2. The percentage of review requests responded to within recommended timescales is...
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This is calculated by dividing the number of reviews closed in this period within the recommended timescale by the volume of reviews completed overall, and then multiplying this figure by 100. For example, if between June - September (choose your period) you completed 50 reviews and 35 of those were closed within the recommended timescales, then the calculation is (35/50)*100 = 70%. The recommended timescale for completing reviews is no longer than 20 working days in most cases, or 40 working days in exceptional circumstances.

3. The number of complaints about timeliness, made to the ICO by the requester, is…