Find the right resource
Getting started with data protection
- Video: Data protection explained in three minutes (Pressing play on the link will set a third party cookie. Please read our cookie policy for more information.)
- Your beginner's guide to data protection
- Does data protection law apply to my business?
- Data protection when it’s just you: tips for sole traders and one-person bands
- Basic personal data security: quick wins
- Data protection fee: what you need to do
- Get help and support from the ICO
- The benefits of data protection laws
- 15 things all small businesses need to know about data protection
- ICO helpline advisors share their top data protection tips for small organisations
Check how you're doing
- How compliant are you? Take our short quiz
- Common data protection mistakes (and how to fix them)
- Data protection self-assessment for small organisations
- How well could you respond to a personal data breach?
- Do you know what to include in your data protection training?
- Are you transparent about how you use peoples data?
- How secure is your personal data?
- Taking photographs: data protection advice for schools
- Early years settings: data protection top tips
- How to deal with data protection complaints you receive as a small business
- Five simple ways to make a data protection complaint easier to handle
Transparency (cookies and privacy policies)
Principles and definitions
Data storage, sharing and security
- 11 practical ways to keep your IT systems safe and secure
- Practical methods for destroying documents that are no longer needed
- 72 hours: how to respond to a personal data breach
- Check if you need to report a data breach to the ICO
- Understanding risk in personal data breaches
- Installing CCTV? Things you need to do first
- Information sharing without consent: advice for small organisations
- Data sharing - when is it unlawful?
- How to minimise the risk of personal data breaches happening
- An introduction to direct marketing - a step-by-step guide for your small business
- Making marketing work for you and your customers
- Direct marketing advice generator - how to market your organisation and use personal information in the right way