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Apply to join the ICO’s SME feedback group

We seek feedback from SMEs before publishing new guidance for the sector. This is to help ensure the guidance meets the needs of SMEs. The feedback group comprises SMEs from across the UK who provide feedback via phone, email or online on a voluntary basis. For more information about the SME feedback group and what we do with your data, please read our privacy notice.

We’re keen to hear from a variety of different sectors and industries. Fill in this form to apply to join the feedback group and we’ll contact you if your application is accepted.

How many staff do you have?

Thank you for your interest in joining our SME feedback group. The group is for SMEs with fewer than 250 staff only. If you’d like to give feedback about the ICO website, please contact us.

What sector do you work in?
How would you describe your knowledge of data protection? (optional)
Where are you based?
Please provide a contact email address.
How did you find out about our SME feedback group?