Department for International Development
- Date 26 July 2018
- Sector Central government
- Decision(s) EIR 12.5.a: Not upheld, EIR 12.5.b: Not upheld
The complainant submitted two requests to the Department for International Development (DFID) seeking a range of information about the St Helena airport project. DFID provided some of the information but sought to withhold the remainder of the information on the basis of the following regulations of the EIR: 12(5)(a) (international relations), 12(5)(b) (course of justice), 12(5)(e) (commercial confidentiality) and regulation 12(3) (personal data). The Commissioner has concluded that the withheld information is exempt on the basis of either regulation 12(5)(a) or regulation 12(5)(b) and the public interest favours maintaining both exceptions.