Guildford Borough Council
- Date 23 March 2016
- Sector Local government
- Decision(s) EIR 12.4.d: Not upheld, EIR 12.5.e: Partly upheld, EIR 5.1: Partly upheld, EIR 5.2: Partly upheld
The complainant requested details of all draft plans for intersections on the A3 in and around Burpham, specifically London Road Slip and Clay Lane Northbound off. The council said that it could disclose a note written by the complainant but the remaining information held was excepted under regulations 12(5)(e), 12(4)(d) and 12(5)(f) of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (“the EIR”). The Commissioner’s decision is that regulation 12(4)(d) was correctly applied to some of the information and the public interest favoured maintaining the exception. The remaining information was excepted under regulation 12(5)(e) and the public interest also favoured maintaining the exception with the exception of one paragraph relating to noise emissions. It was not necessary to consider the application of regulation 12(5)(f). The Commissioner requires them disclose paragraph 4.13 of document 4 entitled “Notes of Meeting: Gosden Hill – Highways Agency Meeting”. Information Tribunal appeal EA/2016/0096 dismissed.