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Actioning the impact feedback


Generally, the levels of engagement with the impact aspects of our calls for evidence were low and provided limited impact evidence. Thus, there were no major changes in our positions attributable to this feedback. Lower levels of engagement could imply limited concerns about the potential impact. This is something we will monitor through our continued stakeholder engagement. 

As highlighted throughout the main body of our response, we have taken on board the overall feedback received during the calls for evidence and have amended our regulatory position where appropriate and proportionate. We will also address the feedback received when producing updated guidance on AI. We will follow best practice and guidance in our ‘Impact Assessment Framework’65 and will consider the proportionality of further assessment of impacts as we move towards updating our AI guidance. This will build on the impact evidence raised during our calls for evidence.  

65 ICO (2023) The ICO’s Impact Assessment Framework. Available at: (accessed 21 November 2024)