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Global Privacy Enforcement Network (GPEN)

GPEN report - Resetting Privacy

As a Committee member of the Global Privacy Enforcement Network (GPEN), the ICO led on the Re-setting Privacy initiative in 2020-21 to review if and how privacy enforcement and consumer protection authorities have changed their approach to regulation and enforcement during the COVID-19 pandemic, and whether they plan to ‘reset’ their approach as it subsides.

This will help develop a shared understanding of this amongst privacy enforcement authorities and other regulators, to better inform individual and collective decision-making and messaging around regulation and enforcement during and after the pandemic.

GPEN Sweep 2018

Privacy Accountability

This report is from an investigation by the annual Global Privacy Enforcement Network's (GPEN) known as a `sweep', which involves data protection authorities around the world.

GPEN is an informal network of over 60 privacy enforcement authorities in 39 jurisdictions. The GPEN Sweep is currently co-chaired by the ICO and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner New Zealand.

This year's investigation looked at how well organisations have implemented the core concepts of accountability into their own internal privacy policies and programmes.