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Our performance

The core business of the ICO is to deliver efficient and effective regulatory services to uphold information rights for the UK public in the digital age. It is essential that our resources are focused and aligned to our objectives, that we are accountable for our performance, and that we understand and identify our areas for improvement.

Our corporate scorecard ensures we are transparent about our performance and delivery with our customers and stakeholders and with those who hold us accountable. It also allows our Management Board and strategic leaders to receive proportionate and insightful performance reporting against agreed key measures and our wider enduring objectives.

Our scorecards are currently aligned with the ‘Performance’ measures identified in ICO25, which was launched in late 2022. These measures report on the efficiency and timeliness of the services we provide; focusing on existing output and throughput measures including those in our Customer Service Charter. Baseline data in support of the ‘Outcomes’ and ‘Sentiment’ measures identified in ICO25 are included in our 2023/24 Quarter 4 Scorecard.

Last updated on 04 December 2024.