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Update on changes to our services for businesses

  • Date 16 December 2024
  • Type Statement

In October, we announced that we were piloting a new approach to providing business advice as part of our commitment to modernising our services and investing in tools that give businesses better access to support.

Instead of calling our helpline, we encouraged businesses to use the growing range of resources available on our website to get the certainty they needed on any data protection concerns. We have kept this approach under review and gathered feedback to ensure our offer is meeting the needs of businesses, whatever their size.

While our online tools and resources are helping businesses to get answers, it has become clear during the pilot that further work is needed to understand how we can best support businesses to get data protection right. So, from Monday 16 December, the business advice helpline will once again be available for any organisation that needs help with their data protection questions.

Providing trusted and convenient advice, which represents value for money, remains our priority. We will continue to consider how we develop our resources to empower businesses to get data protection right and make complying with the law as simple as possible.

Thank you to everyone who has used our services and provided valuable feedback during this period.