ICO consultation on a package of support for the providers of online services likely to be accessed by children
- Start date 26 February 2020
- Closing date 27 March 2020
- Type ICO consultation
- Status Closed
This consultation has closed
The ICO has recently published the final version of its Age Appropriate Design Code – a code of practice for online services as submitted to the Secretary of State. The Code will now be subject to Parliamentary approval, and following this there will be a transition period of 12 months for providers of online services likely to be accessed by children to bring their services in line with the Code.
During the transition period the ICO intends to provide a package of support to help providers of online services, and in particular small businesses, conform with the Code.
Our focus is on ensuring that online services can get this right, which is the best regulatory outcome for all. Whilst we have enforcement powers these will be used fairly, proportionately and targeted at the areas of greatest risk. If organisations have children’s privacy programmes in place but fall short of conforming to the Code, our response can often be one of advice, audit and guidance rather than enforcement.
The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather views from providers of online services (such as online games, apps, social media sites and websites) who will need to conform to the 15 standards within the Code, about the type of support they would most like the ICO to provide. Given the wide scope of the Code and the range of services it covers we may not be able to provide everything on the list, or tailor what we provide to the needs of every individual sector. However, we will use the feedback we receive to shape the support we develop and focus our resources on areas of greatest need and impact. When deciding on next steps we will take account of any initiatives being pursued by Government in support of its online harms agenda. You can respond to this consultation via our online survey.
The consultation is open until 5pm on 27 March 2020.