The ICO exists to empower you through information.

Recordings from the DPPC workshops are now available to watch:

A 10-step guide to sharing information to safeguard children

John Edwards, the Information Commissioner, has made clear that if you need to share information to prevent harm to a child or young person, then data protection law enables you to do so.

In this session we’ll discuss our new practical guidance that helps you to share information to safeguard children and young people. We’ll explain how data protection law fits in and what you need to consider.

You’ll have the chance to ask us questions.


Insight into audit and assurance

Join members from the audit team in the ICO’s Assurance department to learn about our data protection audits. We will cover our audit process, our key themes and findings and discuss some of our past and ongoing audit projects. This session is suited to data protection practitioners interested in our audit function, compliance assessment and improving practice in their organisation.


Section 40(2) FOIA - the personal data exemption - a practical approach

This session features senior ICO staff in conversation about the most commonly applied FOIA personal data exemption: section 40(2). We’ll discuss how to determine whether the requested information is personal data, and whether it’s always necessary to disclose personal data in order to meet the legitimate interest. It aims to steer you through aspects of the exemption in a practical way.

The workshop is designed for public authority staff and anyone else who deals with requests under FOIA and the EIR. Some experience of the section 40 exemption would be useful, but it should also help those who are newer to FOI.


Lifecycle of a complaint

Understanding the customer complaints journey at the ICO and the impact our work has on our customers.

This session is aimed at any data protection practitioner who is interested in the ICO’s complaints handling process. The aim of the session is to explain how we look at complaints, what to expect from us, and what you can do to help in the complaints process. It will be of particular use if you are responsible for dealing with data protection complaints within your organisation.
